January 9-11, 2015

  • Thank you for this edition!

  • Link for the website of the 2016 conference : ccuwip.com

In bref

The Canadian Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CCUWIP), which will be held next January, is an initiative inviting undergraduate students from various physics related sectors to assist to a week-end of talks and panels. The speakers, who studied in physics, will advise and inspire the guests by presenting the many sides of a physicist’s life, the variety of job possibilities after the studies, different fields in physics and the impacts of professional choices on family life.

Our mission:

  • Inform the students of the possibilities brought by the physics baccalaureate, whether in the graduate or the work sector.
  • Help the creation of a contact network between Canadian physicists.
  • Encourage the presence of women in a primarily masculine work environment.
  • Answer students’ questions about the work/family conciliation.
  • Allow the undergraduate students to be part of a professional conference at a small cost.

Join "Canadian Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics" on Facebook.

Financial Support:

  (Waterloo University)

   (Département de physique, de génie physique et d'optique)